Many candidates fake their employment history to get better jobs, higher salaries, and better designations. They do so firstly because they are in a hurry to make good money and do better than their peers and, secondly they know that the system would allow them to get away with it. This trend has caught on majorly in the IT and the banking industry.
Employment verification is important to validate if a candidate has been working for the tenure, role and salary indicated on the resume. The process involves contacting Human Resources / Payroll department of previous employers to accurately determine the candidate’s work history.
Why Pre Employment verification Service?
- Candidates falsify dates of employment for hiding periods of unemployment, by extending the period of employment with a specific employer. Sometimes this is done to cover up periods of imprisonment.
- The position, salaries, and responsibilities are exaggerated.
- The reasons for quitting are manipulated.
- The experience stated may turn out to be fictitious.
- Doing a phone based check with a reference or a reporting manager is not considered to be reliable as in most cases the reference provided is guided by the candidate to manipulate the erification protocol.
- Non-existent or closed companies present a big challenge during employer verification.Through independent research, the verification team tries to find out the suitable references.
How is Employment Verification carried out?
The preferred method is to verify the entire employment history and to review the associated experience letters and salary slips for each of the employers. This means contacting the earlier and/or current employer and receiving verification directly from the HR department. Feedback is solicited on a variety of points including:
- Duration of employment
- Designation
- Salary
- Reporting manager details
- Performance and professionalism
- Reasons for leaving
- Eligibility for rehiring
- Any issues encountered
Current employer verification should never be conducted without the candidates consent, as it might influence his/her career in a negative way.
Our recommendation:
Carry out employment verification process for at least two employers (current and earlier).